søndag 10. juli 2022

The society of the elect a secret society based on the society of Jesus and illuminati


A Tentative Roster of 

the Milner Group 

THE FOLLOWING LISTS are tentative in the sense that they are in￾complete and erroneous. The errors are more likely in the attribution 

of persons to one circle of the Group rather than another, and are less 

likely in the attribution to the Group of persons who are not members 

at all. For the names given I have sufficient evidence to convince me 

that they are members of the Group, although I would not in many 

cases feel competent to insist that the persons concerned knew that they 

were members of a secret group. The evidence on which this list is 

based is derived from documentary evidence, from private informa￾tion, and from circumstantial evidence. 

Persons are listed in each group on the basis of general impression 

rather than exact demarcation, because the distinction between the 

two is rather vague and varies from time to time. For example, I know 

for a fact that Sir Alfred Zimmern and Lord Cecil of Chelwood at￾tended meetings of the inner circle in the period before 1920, but I 

have attributed them to the outer circle because this appears to be the 

more accurate designation for the long period since 1920 .. 

Within each list I have placed the names of the various individuals in 

order of chronology and of importance. In some cases where I sus￾pected a person of being a member without having any very convincing 

evidence, I have enclosed the name in brackets. 

A. The Society of the Elect 

Cecil John Rhodes 

Nathan Rothschild, Baron Rothschild 

Sir Harry Johnston 

William T. Stead 

Reginald Brett, Viscount Esher 

Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner 

B. F. Hawksley

Thomas Brassey, Lord Brassey

Edmund Garrett

[Sir Edward Cook]

Alfred Beit

Sir Abe Bailey

Albert Grey, Earl Grey

Archibald Primrose, Earl of Rosebery

Arthur James Balfour

Sir George R. Parkin

Philip Lyttelton Gell

Sir Henry Birchenough

Sir Reginald Sothern Holland

Arthur Lionel Smith

Herbert A. L. Fisher

William Waldegrave Palmer, Earl of Selborne

[Sir Alfred Lyttelton]

Sir Patrick Duncan

Robert Henry Brand, Baron Brand

Philip Kerr, Marquess of Lothian

Lionel Curtis

Geoffrey Dawson

Edward Grigg, Baron Altrincham

Jan C. Smuts

Leopold Amery

Waldorf Astor, Viscount Astor

Nancy Astor, Lady Astor

The Association of Helpers

The Inner Circle

Sir Patrick Duncan

Robert Henry Brand, Baron Brand

Philip Kerr, Marquess of Lothian

Lionel Curtis

William L. Hichens

Geoffrey Dawson

Edward Grigg, Baron Altrincham

Herbert A. L. Fisher

Leopold Amery

Richard Feetham

Hugh A. Wyndham

Sir Dougal Malcolm 

Basil Williams

Basil Kellett Long

Sir Abe Bailey

Jan C. Smuts

Sir William Marris .

James S. Meston, Baron Meston

Malcolm Hailey, Baron Hailey

Flora Shaw, Lady Lugard

Sir Reginald Coupland

Waldorf Astor, Viscount Astor

Nancy Astor, Lady Astor

Maurice Hankey, Baron Hankey

Arnold J. Toynbee

Laurence F. Rushbrook Williams

Henry Vincent Hodson

Vincent Todd Harlow

2. The Outer Circle

John Buchan, Baron Tweedsmuir

Sir Fabian Ware

Sir Alfred Zimmern

Gilbert Murray

Robert Cecil, Viscount Cecil of Chelwood

Sir James W. Headlam-Morley

Appendix / 313

Frederick J. N. Thesiger, Viscount Chelmsford

Sir Valentine Chirol

Edward F. L. Wood, Earl of Halifax

Sir [James] Arthur Salter

Sir Arthur H. D. R. Steel-Maitland

William G. A. Ormsby-Gore, Baron Harlech

Dame Edith Lyttelton, Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton

Frederick Lugard, Baron Lugard

Sir [Leander] Starr Jameson

Henry W. C. Davis

John A. Simon, Viscount Simon

Samuel J. G. Hoare, Viscount Templewood

Maurice P. A. Hankey, Baron Hankey

Wilson Harris

[Francis Clarke]

William G. S. Adams

[William K. Hancock]

Ernest L. Woodward

Sir Harold Butler 

314 / Appendix

Kenneth N. Bell

Sir Donald B. Somervell

Sir Maurice L. Gwyer

Charles R. S. Harris

Sir Edward R. Peacock

Sir Cyril J. Radcliffe

John W. Wheeler-Bennett

Robert J. Stopford

Robert M. Barrington-Ward

[Kenneth C. Wheare]

Edward H. Carr

Malcolm MacDonald

Godfrey Elton, Baron Elton

Sir Neill Malcolm

Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Viscount Willingdon

Isaiah Berlin

Roger M. Makins

Sir Arthur Willert

Ivison S. Macadam

3. Members in other countries

a. Canada

Arthur J. Glazebrook

Sir George Parkin

Vincent Massey

George P. de T. Glazebrook

Percy Corbett

[Sir Joseph Flavelle]

b. United States

George Louis Beer

Frank Aydelotte

Jerome Greene

[Clarence Steit]

c. South Africa

Jan C. Smuts

Sir Patrick Duncan

Sir Abe Bailey

Basil K. Long

Richard Feetham

[Sir James Rose-Innes]

d. Australia

Sir Thomas Bavin

Sir Frederic Eggleston

[Dudley D. Braham]

e. New Zealand

Sir James Allen

William Downie Stewart

Arthur R. Atkinson

f. Germany

Helmuth James von Moltke

Adam von Trott zu Solz

Appendix / 31

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